Real footage of me making your leather in the workshop, located in Treaty 6 Territory.

One of a Kind

Using a mix of classic leather techniques and modern design tools, I craft one of a kind pieces in my little commercial studio.

Variety sizes

I craft wearable leather in a range of sizes ready to order, and can make adjustments to certain items to get a bespoke fit.

GG's journey as an artist

I was not a cute kid. This is a safe space to admit I was downright ugly, and not in a cute way. I was decidedly odd, other, a changeling.

Any clothing I tolerated on my skin was selected for maximum cartwheel stretch or maximum artistic expression, I spent hours cleaning horse manure and hunched over a computer making horse art, horse websites, and cashing in on those Neopets points. Like any insecure young artist, I felt my work was never worth sharing, and kept it hidden in the dark far too long. I dropped out of fine art school, went into corporate sales, and travelled a path that didn't leave much room for creative expression. Somewhere along the line, I found a mentor, and lost her. Maybe one day I'll write about it.

Abandoning one's inner artist might be fine for a neurotypical person, but it was also a road to abandoning my inner child; ultimately, the art eventually erupted out of me all at once after a decade of being walled away. I wanted so badly to let my art be seen, have it reach others and help them be seen the way my favourite works have done for me.

It turns out the longer you compress energy, the harder it explodes, and that is the best way I can describe the last five years. After leaving the corporate world, I started a colouring book company, book cover design services, and web design, with varying degrees of success. I started writing books, studying storytelling and journalism. All were annihilated or deeply impacted by AI. I helped an ex start a leather business, which also didn't work out, but it lead me to burlesque, costume design and back to my first love of weird, comfy fashion. I left with skills, access to new tools, and more confidence in myself. There is something about failure that really teaches the inner artist how to flow.

Grimmm Goods is a the child of so many beautiful monsters I made, and it combines everything I do under one roof, rules be damned. You'll find my storytelling, art curation, leatherwork and illustrations lovingly threaded throughout this store, and I hope you feel seen by my work. The mediums that find me each offer a new way to grow as an artist.